Saturday, January 16, 2010

My dad and I don't exactly have the
best relationship
I want to do my own thing
and he wants me to
stay his little girl.
But looking at this picture makes me
I will always be daddy's little girl
through thick and thin
whether I like it or not.

We fight.
We argue.
They barge in my room when I need my privacy the most.
But last night,
they looked beautiful.
And we got along.
It was their first "real dance".
Two more years and they will be entering
high school.
Oh. My. Gosh.
I feel so old.
And I love every minute of it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's weird

I have a million little blog-ishy things online. I have a tumblr, a facebook, a myspace (although I rarely check it), a twitter, and now a blogspot. I created this one just for an online journal. We'll see how that goes though, I'll probably forget its even on here, like I have with all the others. I'll try not to though. This isn't really an actual blog entry, it's more of an introductory entry. I promise I'm not that interesting, but I love reading others take on life and want to see what people think about mine.